What do you have to say to all the JWs who under the direction of the Governing Body are lurking and spying on this forum and then give the gathered intel to their masters?
i'd tell them to look for the wireless mics and hidden cams under their computer desks.
there is a rather large, luxurious (clothing optional) "viewing room" that the governing body has set up for their carnal viewing pleasure. in this room are dozens of live feeds from around bethel. hidden cams are placed in strategic places around the watchtower facility (ie in showers, the lamp next to your bed, under study desks and cafeteria tables, kingdom hall podiums) these hidden cams and wireless mics were the brainchild of Leo Greenlees (gawd rest his soul) and Percy Chapman (who had a hankering for young, buff, handsome "percy boys"). the "viewing room" built in the 1950s underwent an extensive renovation in 1969 (an appropriate year) when sixty homosexuals left the world headquarters.
of course now, since 1986, the watchtower, after investing in high tech war technology, has used nothing but the most up to date electronic devices. these motion sensitive web cams are now fed at 45-second intervals to a worldwide audience (for a small donation to the world-wide work of $2.99 a minute of course).
these live bethel web feeds threatened to make the "viewing room" obsolete...so true to nature, the watchtower has kept up with the times. thanks to the generous donations of witnesses around the world, the viewing room has been updated to accommodate 12 private "viewing booths" each equipped with a Dell Inspiron XPS (Extreme Edition) hands free laptop computer with privacy screen.
since the "viewing room" is considered the greater "most holy" room only to be entered by the latter day "high priests" for atonement... we of the earthly class can only imagine how much of jehovah's spirit permeates that room. even though this spiritual paradise is invisible to us... we can always look back on the time when the "viewing room" first opened. it was a primitive slide screen/ picture only set up...butt, it was standing room only.